MP3 Naat » Ali Fani » Naad E Ali

Naad E Ali

Download the MP3 Dua Naad E Ali by respected artist Ali Fani. Naad E Ali is one of the Supreme MP3 Duas By Ali Fani. You can listen to it online or download it in MP3 format (320kbps) from Additionally, you have the option to read the lyrics of “Naad E Ali” Dua.

Naad E Ali Dua MP3 Download
Dua NameNaad E Ali
CategoriesAli FaniDua
FormatAudio MP3 (320kbps)
To download this Exceptional MP3 Dua, you can do the following:
  1. Please click the three vertical dots on the mp3 player and then download.
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  3. Download Naad E Ali

Feel free to explore the beauty of this Dua through its Meaningful rendition and meaningful lyrics.

Naad E Ali Dua Lyrics

In Arabic

نادِ عَلیاً مَظهَرَ العَجائِب تَجِدهُ عَوناً لَکَ فِی النَوّائِب لی اِلی اللهِ حاجَتی

وَ عَلَیهِ مُعَوَّلی کُلَّما اَمَرتَهُ وَ رَمَیتَ مُنقَضی فی ظِللّ اللهِ وَ یضِللُ اللهُ لی

اَدعُوکَ کُلَّ هَمٍ وَغَمًّ سَینجَلی بِعَظَمَتِکَ یا اللهُ بِنُبُوَّتِکَ یا مُحَمَّدَ بِوِلایتِکَ

یاعَلِی یا عَلِی یا عَلِی اَدرِکنی بِحقِّ لُطفِکَ الخَفی اللهِ اَکبَرُ اَنا مِن شَرِّ

اَعدائکَ بَریءٌ اللهُ صَمَدی مِن عِندِکَ مَدَی وَعَلَیکَ مُعتَمَدی بِحقِّ إِیاکَ نَعبُدُ

وَ إِیاکَ نَستَعینُ یااَبالغَیثِ اَغِثنی یااَبَاالَحَسَنَین اَدرِکنی یاسَیفَ اللهُ اَدرِکنی

یابابَ اللهِ اَدرِکنی یاحُجَّهَ اللهِ اَدرِکنی یا وَلِی اللهِ اَدرِکنی بِحَقَّ لُطفِکَ الخَفی

یا قَهّارُ تَقَهَّرتَ بِالقَهرِ وَ القَهر ُفی قَهرِ قَهرکَ یا قَهارُ یا قاهِرَ العَدُوّ یا واِلی الوَلِی

یامَظهَرَ العَجائِبِ یامُرتَضی عَلِی رَمَیتَ مِن بَغی عَلَی بِسَهمِ اللهِ وَسَیفِ اللهِ القاتِلِ

اُفَوَّضُ اَمری اِلی اللهِ اِنَّ اللهُ بَصَیرٌ بِالعَبادِ وَ اِلحُکُم اِلهٌ واحِدٌ لا اِلهَ اِلاّ هُوَ الرَّحمنُ الرَّحیمُ

یاغیاثَ المُستَغیینِ یا دَلیلَ المُتَحیرِینَ یا اَمانَ الخائِفینَ یا مُعینَ المُتَوَکِلینَ

یا رَاحِمَ المَساکینَ یا اِلهَ العالَمَینَ بِرَحمَتِکَ وَصَلَّی اللهُ عَلی سَیدِنا مُحَمَّدٍ وَالِهِ اَجمَعین وَ الحَمدُ اللهِ رَبِّ العالَمینَ

Nade ali-yan mazharal ajaa’ib, tajid-ho avnal-laka fin navaa’ib koollo hammin wa ghammin ilal-lahe hajati

wa alai-he mo’ av-vali kool-le-ma ra-maito mota-qazi fil-lahe ya-dool-lahe vali-yool-lahe lee ad’ooka koolle ham’min wa gham’min sa-yan-jali

be azmateka ya allah-ho be naboo-vateka ya mohammad sal-lal-laho alai-he wa aalehi wa’sallam

be vila-ya-teka ya ali-yo, ya-ali-yo, ya ali-yo adrikni

Be haqqe lootfekal-kha’fiay allah’ho akbar, allah ‘ho akbar allah’ho akbar

ana min sharre a’daa’eka bariyoon , allaho samadi wa aley-ka motamadi be haqqe iyyaka na’bodo wa iyyaka nasta’een

Ya abal ghaise aghasini ya ali yo adrikni

ya qaheral aduv-vey ya waliyal waliye ya mazahral ajaa’ebe

ya murtaza aliyo ya qah-haro ta-qah-harta bil qahro val qahro fee qahre qah-reka ya qah-haro ya zal batsish shadeedey antal kaherul jabbrul mohlekul munta’qeymul qvee-ul lazi la yutaaqoo inteq’amohu

Wa uf-faw-we-zoo amri illalahe inal-laha baseerum bil ibade

wa illahokum illahu’wn wahe’dun la-ilaha illa ho-wer rahmanur rahemo has-be-yal-laa- ho wa- naimal-wakeelo naimal maula wa naimal naseero

ya-ghe-ya-sal moos-tageeseena aghis’ni ya arhamal-masakeena irhamani ya ali-yo adrikni, ya ali-yo adrikniu be rehmateka wa man-neka wa joodeka ya arhamar rahemeen alla-homma so’alle ala mohammadin wa aale mohammad.

English Translation

all Ali, who is Manifestor of wonders, Thou shall surely find him helper in your difficulties, all grief and sorrow shall be removed.

I submit my temporal wishes to Thee on whom I trust and always referred Thee to bestow fulfillment of temporal wishes.

O! Having Thee bestowed support, O! Thee Appointed Wali, All grief and Sorrows will disappear,

By Thee by Thy tremendousness O! Lord, By Thee by Thy Apostleship O! Muhammad, - Blessings of Thee on Thy Apostle & descendants, By Thee by Thy granted Power &

Authority of Wail, O! Ali, O Ali, O! Ali Help! O! Ali for Thee granted eternal hidden grants to you, Help!

Allah the Almighty is Supreme, Allah the Almighty is supreme, Allah the Almighty is supreme,

I am relieved from the enmity of (your) enemies.

Thee is Eternal, Absolute; I have trust in Thee, By that truth, Thee do we serve and Thee do we beseech help.

O! Helper of the Seekers of help!, O! Ali help!, O! Mighty all winner over enemies,

O! Eternal Leaders of the Leaders, O! Manifestor of Wonders,

O! The Chosen one, O! Mighty and Powerful,

O! Mighty, Valiant, Chivalrous Able oppressor of antagonists

Might & Valour is yours, O! Powerful combater,

You are mighty and Irresistible, Such a Powerful & Strong avenger that none is capable to resist nor keeps power to revenge

I submit my temporal wishes to Thee, The supreme, No doubt Thy is All Knowing

O! People, There is no God except ALLAH The Supreme, The Merciful, The Beneficent O! Allah, Thy is sufficient, The best Governor, The best Master, The best Helper.

O! Helper of seekers of help and bereft, O! The Merciful helper of poor,

Come for Help! O! Ali Help! O! Ali Help! ,

O! Thee by Thy Mercy, by Thy Favour, by Thy Goodness of rewarding, (Help) O! Thee The Merciful and The Most Gracious.

O! Allah Bless Mohammed and his progeny.

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